Soul Readings/Core Light Activations
by Trish Regan
(Sessions offered individually or in combination)
About Trish Regan
Trish Regan is a Spiritual Intuitive and Teacher, Dolphin and Whale Retreat Facilitator, Visionary and author of the Book Series: Essential Joy: Finding It, Keeping It, Sharing It. She and her husband, Doug Hackett, are co-founders of Dolphin\Spirit of Hawaii and have conducted spiritual dolphin-swim retreats on the Big Island of Hawaii since 1994. Since 2004 they have also facilitated whale-swim retreats in the Kingdom of Tonga. Her life has been guided by many Beings of Light from higher realms with whom she is in deep connection. Since 1984 she has been channeling Ascended Masters, Angels and Arch-Angels, Dolphins and Whales and Beings of Light from higher dimensions. She has traveled the globe offering many inspirational spiritual workshops over the years. Trish seeks only the highest Truth and wishes to assist others in finding their way to their divine magnificence.
Into the Light Soul Readings

In these readings, I facilitate a unique and deep spiritual connection with your Soul. These readings create a connection with the core of your Being and allow only the highest information that is appropriate for you to receive in the moment to be transmitted. I will be in connection with many Beings of Light in higher realms, Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels, yours and my Spiritual Guides, Dolphins and Whales who can answer your questions and provide profound guidance. These Soul Readings are different from "psychic readings" in that the information you receive is channeled directly, in the moment, through my voice from your soul or your personal guides.

You will be held in a safe and gentle environment of unconditional love as I open to only the highest energies that walk in the Light of the Source. Your Soul will guide the unfolding process that is perfect for your spiritual growth in the divine moment.

These soul readings will assist you to:
* Receive a clear symbolic vision from your soul about your present situation or dilemma
* Receive clear guidance in relationship to your questions
* Receive information from your soul and guides for your next step on your spiritual path
* Utilize inspiration from Spirit to guide practical steps to fulfillment
* Become aware of the cause of any obstacles to your joy
* Know your spiritual purpose on the planet
* Make a heart connection with your soul
* Spiritually complete and heal this life-time and past-life relationships, if appropriate 

***Sessions done in person or by phone globally***

Personal Investment = $200
(discount available if you have a Soul Reading
and Core Light Activation Combined for full payment at time of reading ... see below)

You will receive an audio recording of your session
(either CD or digital mp3 )

Soul Reading only sessions last from thirty to forty minutes

To make an appointment for a Soul Reading Session,
or call 1-808-987-5694

Mandaza Kandemwa, Shaman, Zimbabwe
“I have known many people, men and women, who have amazing gifts of doing spiritual readings for people. Over the years I have received many such readings from different people. One of the best readings I have ever received (in October 2009) was from Trish Regan. She took me on my spiritual journey, step by step, so accurately that I could not believe my hearing. I shall never forget this reading. God and spirits are working powerfully with her. Trish is now ready to be the servant of our creator. I do not hesitate to recommend that anyone receive a reading from Trish Regan.”

Naomi Baker, Intuitive Creative
"I have had several readings from Trish and every reading brought me profound insight
into my deepest yearning for clarity to some of my personal questions that could not be answered by other readers or healers for many years. I finally discovered Trish and her pure energy, being able to channel from the highest sources the purest information. You know that the information is pure. All the readings with Trish gave me invaluable information I needed at the time and they are timeless as I still find more and more information when listening again to each one.This is the highest level of spiritual reading available . It is priceless and I am eternally grateful!”

Namir Shaheem, Quantum Energetic Healer
“Trish’s Soul Reading was not only the most powerful event I have ever experienced from another energy exchange, it was a turning point in completely centering me in the direction of my spiritual power and current work. It completely changed my life. She is truly gifted and magnificent and one of the clearest intuits on the planet.”

M. Ferriera
"Thank you so much for this beautifull Soul-Reading ! I woke up this morning feeling a great new energy. I feel a strong power today, strong but very heart connected, joyfull and loving... thank Goddess for your work!"

C. Jaoa
"I have never had a reading before and I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. The picture you saw and the meaning behind it were more than I can ever have imagined. The message from Archangel Michael was truly filled with practical answers and ideas I would never have associated with me bringing together in the way it was suggested

"It is lovely listerning back to St Germain. The healing/clearing has been fantastic, I have such clear clarity within self since healing."

Core Light Activations
See what people say below

These powerful energy sessions are guided by Spirit to assist those who are ready for quantum acceleration of their ascension process.

Humanity’s ascension is a gradual process whereby one’s vibrational frequency is raised. Since the earth’s shift into fifth dimensional resonance in 2012, in order for one to acclimate and harmonize with the energetic changes in a smooth and harmonious way, it is most beneficial to resonate in sync with these elevated frequencies.

All actions, inspirations, learnings lead one to find the Core of Being ... this is what we all are seeking. When we live from the core still point we are aligned with the truest essence of who we really are as divine Beings of Light. These sessions will help you to find that pristine center so that you will be in deep connection with Self.

During these profound energy sessions, I will be a conduit for very high frequency energies to open the doorway for your soul to cleanse, purify and transmute Light into your:

*Etheric Body:
Detect and clear disruptions in your etheric body caused by accumulated past life karma or distorted thought patterns.

*Mental Body:
Detect and clear false beliefs, distorted thoughts, blockages to clear discernment and patterns that prevent access to wisdom from the Higher Mind.

*Emotional Body:
Detect and clear blockages in the energy flow between the heart and the emotional body. Align the emotional body with the soul. Soothe negative emotions creating an avenue for their transmutation into Light.

*Physical Body:
Detect and clear energy blockages within the physical body. Since the densest aspect of one’s incarnation into the third dimension is held within the physical body, some of these blocks are very deep and stubborn and can become disease. The powerful tones emitted from Spirit will unlock the source of the blockages.

Once these areas of blockage in all of these bodies are cleared and transmuted, Spirit will infuse the areas with high frequency Light bringing one into balance and cohesion with their Higher Self.

***Sessions done in person or by phone globally***

Personal Investment = $300

(Combined Soul Reading & Core Light Activation = $450 if paid at session)
Payment Plan Available for Combined Sessions
Pay $300 at time of session
$100 the next month and $100 the month after that

Core Light Activgation only sessions last from thirty to forty minutes
(for a combined session, please allow ninety minutes of your time, just in case the session takes that amount of time)

You will receive an audio recording of your session
(either CD or digital mp3 )

To make an appointment for a Soul Reading and/or Core Light Activation Session,
or call 1-808-987-5694

J. Ruestow - Light Activation
"I must say thank you for such a powerful and heartfelt session. I listen to my CD from time to time and feel that incredible energy and healing as I experienced the first time. I am working on connecting to my soul on a deeper level and really feel that the three blockages have been healed now. It all feels good knowing now what the future can bring forth. I was unable to express clearly to you at the time why all of it resonated for me as I was deep in the energy and in such an elated state... with these blockages of self doubt, unworthiness and fear of the unknown removed I know I will be able to move forward to my soul purpose. Your reading session has calmed my soul and created a lot of motivation towards my soul purpose. "

D. Anderson - Light Activation
"Thank you for the miracle of the Core Light Activation session! My throat and heart chakras truly feel opened. It's like I have had surgery to remove tight and constricted walls that were blocking me from receiving the Light and Love available to me! I am humbled by the attention from whale consciousness to my being's needs and look forward to the recording soon so I can attune to my whale song and resonate for personal and planetary healing!"

J. Ferranti
- Soul Reading/Light Activation
"Trish Regan has an exceptional ability to clearly channel very high "Beings of Light." I was delighted with my "Into the Light Soul Reading and Core Light Activation Session." The messages brought through by Trish moved me to tears and spoke directly to my soul. My questions were answered with great clarity and I resonated with the information on a deep level. After my session, Doug made a recording that allowed me to listen to the reading again and again, practicing the exercises that I was given in order to move into greater alignment with my soul soul. I highly recommend a session with Trish Regan for anyone seeking answers from Spirit and a greater alignment with their soul's purpose."

Trish Regan

PLEASE NOTE: Time Zone difference:
DayLight Savings Time: (Fall/Winter) 3 hours earlier than PST,  and 6 hours earlier than EST (9am Hawaii is 12 noon California and 3pm New York).
Late spring and summer, the time difference is 2 hours PST and 5 hours EST. (9am Hawaii is 11am California and 2pm New York).